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An essay on the chair history

русский | english

The chair of theoretical mechanics is one of the oldest chairs at our university, it was one of the first chairs established. It is one of the principal chairs for the general sciences department of the university. Not long ago we had no evidence that our chair is 85 years old. We only considered, from the point of view of the common sense, that our chair was one of the first chairs established. We believed that at the moment of establishment of MICE there existed a tradition, based on the experience and practical expediency, according to which the chair of theoretical mechanics should be in the list of chairs established first. The poster at our chair claims: “The theoretical mechanics is the basic discipline for all engineering disciplines”. We were very glad to find the personal records of the first head of the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE E.F. Stramentov and so to confirm the age of our chair.

STRAMENTOV Engeny Fedorovich
STRAMENTOV Engeny Fedorovich was born in 1877 in a farmer’s family in the Orel region, the secondary education he completed in a gymnasium in Orel. He started to work at 14, giving private lessons. In 1896 he entered the Engineer’s Department at Riga Polytechnical Institute and graduated from this institute in 1900. Then he worked as an engineer, later as a senior engineer at the South–East Railways, the South-Siberia Railways and the Moscow City Administration. In 1910 he started to work as a teacher. In 1911 he entered the physics & mathematics department at Moscow State University and graduated from it in 1915. Then he was appointed for a post-graduate course for a professor’s degree. In 1916 he started to work at the Institute of Engineers and Teachers, which later, in 1921, produced Moscow Institute of Civil Engineers (MICE). From 1921 till 1944 he was in charge of the chair of theoretical mechanics. In 1938 he was awarded the title of the professor at the chair “Engineering structures” and the degree of a doctor of sciences for his thesis “A new method of design and analysis for a vertical planning of large areas”. During the Great Patriotic War MICE was evacuated to Novosibirsk. Stramentov was there the dean of the department of industrial, civil and hydro-engineering construction, the deputy director of MICE (science & education activities). For some time he performed the duties of the MICE director. Stramentov was also engaged in practical construction: he was an expert and a member of the governmental committee at the greatest construction sites in the USSR (the Volga–Moskva canal, the Black Sea coast structures). He took part in the works for design and construction of a deep drainage system in Moscow, there he was rewarded with a flat in Moscow. He also got money bonuses more than once. He died in 1944.

The history of a chair, first and foremost, is a story about its personnel working there for the whole period of its activities. Here are some biographic data and professional achievements of the chair heads through the whole period of its existence. Since the 1930s, there existed two institutes in Moscow, which graduated civil engineers: Moscow Institute of Civil Engineers (MICE) and Moscow Institute of City Planning Engineers (MICPE). Many lecturers worked in either or both institutes.
The chair of theoretical mechanics at MICPE was headed by doctor of sciences (physics& mathematics), professor A.F. Maslov.

MASLOV Aleksandr Fedorovich
MASLOV Aleksandr Fedorovich was the head of the chair of theoretical mechanics at Moscow Institute of City Planning Engineers from 1945 till 1957. He was born in 1890 in Moscow. In 1912 he graduated from the physics & mathematics department at Moscow State University and took up a post-graduate course for the professor’s degree. In 1914 he started to teach the theoretical mechanics at Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers. In 1918 he became a private associate professor at Moscow University. In 1929 he came to the chair of theoretical mechanics at the Academy of Agriculture named after Timiryazev; in 1930 he was elected as the head of the chair. Later two departments (the department of melioration engineers and the department of fish processing industry) were transformed into the institutes. Maslov was appointed the head of the chairs of theoretical mechanics in both institutes. In 1938 he got the degree of a doctor of sciences (physics & mathematics) (he got the candidates degree in 1938 without the official procedure of the defence of a thesis). In 1938 he also got a professor’s title. He has been a member of Moscow Mathematical Society since 1919.

The chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE those years was headed by doctor of sciences (physics &mathematics), professor I.Ya. Shtaerman.

SHTAERMAN Ilya Yakovlevich
SHTAERMAN Ilya Yakovlevich was born in 1891 in Mogilev. In 1914 he graduated from the mechanics & mathematics department at Kiev University. In 1914 he entered the civil engineering department at Kiev Polytechnical Institute and graduated from it in 1918. Then he taught mathematics, strength of materials and theoretical mechanics. In 1924 he headed the chair of theoretical mechanics at Kiev Polytechnical Institute. At the same time he was in charge of the department of applied mathematics at the Mathematical Institute attached to the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1930 he defended the thesis and got a doctor’s degree (applied mathematics). In 1936 he was awarded a doctor’s degree (physics & mathematics) without the defence of the thesis. He was the head of the chair of theoretical mechanics at Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering from 1944 till 1959. Later he was the professor at this chair till his death in 1962. He was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. He had about 90 works in the fields of the theoretical mechanics, the stability theory, the theory of shells, the contact problem of the elasticity theory.

In 1959, the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR combined Moscow Institute of City Planning Engineers and Moscow Institute of Civil Engineers. The united chair of theoretical mechanics was headed by the doctor of sciences (engineering), professor L.A. Boiko. The chair belonged to the mechanics department at MICE. The chair had a small room, about 10 m2, at the ground floor of the mansion of Mussin-Pushkin, Razgoulyai Street. The room was filled up with desks. There was a clock on the wall and a memorial plate devoted to Prof. E.F. Stramentov. The chair had two classrooms: “101” and “102”, situated nearby. There were many mechanisms and educational supplies in the cupboards in classrooms. Unfortunately these valuable things were lost later.
The first decade of the history of the united chair is not studied yet. Here the author mostly describes the facts and events, which he knew, and people he knew personally.
By the end of the 1960s the chair became a small friendly group of teachers and researchers, headed by the doctor of sciences (engineering), professor Leonid Agafonovich Boiko. Boiko was a great expert in the field of mechanics of the bodies with variable mass values. He contributed much to the development and the improvement of military engineering during the war and post-war periods. Boiko had an extraordinary talent in delivering lectures; he considered the education of the students as one of the most important tasks for every scientist. Many well-known specialists visited those days his lectures, because they knew that there they could get the information not written in any books.

BOIKO Leonid Agafonovich
BOIKO Leonid Agafonovich was born in 1909 in Moscow in the family of a railway worker. In 1928 he entered the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University and graduated from it in 1932, then he took up a post-graduate course there, and in 1935 he defended his thesis for the degree of a candidate of science (physics & mathematics). Then he worked as an associate professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics at Moscow University till 1941. Then he worked as a leading engineer at the Air Force Research Institute from 1941 till 1946. In 1944 he was awarded by the Red Star Order for his works for the improvement of the survivability of the aircraft. In 1946 he started to work as a lecturer at the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N.E.Zhoukovsky, later he was the head of the chair of theoretical mechanics there. In 1954 he defended the thesis and got the degree of a doctor of sciences (engineering). Since 1956 he was the head of the chair of theoretical mechanics at Kharkov Air Force Engineering Institute. Since 1957 he was the head of the chair of theoretical mechanics at Moscow Institute of City Planning Engineers and later, after the amalgamation of the institutes, he headed the chair of theoretical mechanics at Moscow Institute of Civil Engineers. Boiko was a talented lecturer and a great scientist; he contributed much to the solution of many scientific and industrial problems. From 1958 till his death he worked at the Research Institute attached to the Aircraft Administration and was engaged in design and analysis works for the rescue means for the aircraft and the space ships. Being the member of the Science & Engineering Council at the Design Office for Lifts, he studied the external dynamic effects upon the lift structural elements and contributed much to the development of seismic-resistant structures. He always paid a great attention to the preparation of highly qualified specialists, he was the scientific supervisor for more than 30 post-graduates. The MSUCE professors V.F. Yakovlev and S.Yu.Barkhaev were among his post-graduates at that time. The Ministry of Higher Education noted the pedagogical activities L.A.Boiko more than once. He was the member of the Science & Methodology Council for Theoretical Mechanics attached to the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR

The chair then included the following lecturers: V.A. Baltsevich, L.L. Boiko, Yu.V. Belyaev, V.A. Belov, Yu.P.Alekseyev, N.A.Kil, T.Ya.Gert, E.M.Gershounov, B.Kh.Inozemtsev, Yu.V. Allenov, L.M.Lakhtin, V.A.Slavov, S.G.Terzibashiyants, A.Ya.Soukhanov, V.I. Przhesmitsky, L.V.Yankovskaya, V.F.Yakovlev and V.I. Antonov. Only three teachers (Prof. Belov, Prof. Antonov and Ass.Prof. Allenov) have been working at the chair till now.

BALTSEVICH Viktor Antonovich
BALTSEVICH Viktor Antonovich was born in 1911 in Byelorussia in a farmer’s family. After school he entered Minsk Pedagogical College. Then he worked as a school teacher in Minsk. In 1933 he entered Minsk Polytechnical Institute and graduated from it in 1939, qualified as a hydro-engineer. Later he worked as an engineer at the Design Department of the Kouibyshev Hydro-Plant, then as a senior engineer at the “Giproaviaprom” Design Institute. In 1944 he entered the post-graduate course at Moscow Hydro-Melioration Institute, then he worked at the Research Institute of Aircraft Industry. Since 1947 he taught the theoretical mechanics at Moscow Aircraft College, the strength of materials at Moscow Engineering Institute of the Fish Processing Industry. Since 1949 he worked at the chair of theoretical mechanics at the Civil Engineering Institute attached to the Mossovet. In 1952 he defended his thesis and got the degree of a candidate of sciences (engineering). In 1971 he became an associate professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics and worked there till 1982.
SLAVOV Valery Anatolyevich
SLAVOV Valery Anatolyevich was born in 1918 in Kherson. In 1935 he entered Kharkov Aircraft Institute and graduated from it in 1940. Then he worked as an engineer at the “135” Plant. In 1942 he started to work at the “12” Research Institute in Zhoukovsk. He had written 25 reports and published 7 articles there. In 1947 he defended his candidate’s thesis. In 1950 he got the title of a senior researcher. He worked at the chair of theoretical mechanics from 1951 till 1971; in 1953 he became an associate professor at the chair.
ALEKSEYEV Yury Petrovich
ALEKSEYEV Yury Petrovich was born in 1911 in Tula in the family of a railway worker. First he worked as a fitter at the Tula Arms Factory. In 1931 he entered the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University. After his graduation from the university, he worked as a teacher of mathematics at Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute. In 1941 he volunteered to the front and served in a special intelligence battalion at the West Front. He was a war prisoner till 1945, later he joined again the Red Army. He was awarded by the medal “For the victory over Germany”. After the war he worked at Moscow Aircraft Technology Institute and at Kimry Teacher Training Institute.
In 1952 he started to work as a teacher at the chair of mathematics at Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering; later (since 1958) he worked there as a lecturer. At the same time (since 1957) he worked at the chair of theoretical mechanics. For a long time period he was the deputy dean at the mechanics department and worked at MICE till 1971.
LAKHTIN Lev Mikhailovich
LAKHTIN Lev Mikhailovich was born in 1911 in Moscow in the family of a professor at Moscow University. In 1935 he graduated from the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University, and in 1939 he graduated from the post-graduate course at the Mechanics Institute attached to Moscow University. In 1939 he got a candidate’s degree (physics & mathematics). In 1947 he got the title of an associate professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics. In 1939 he went to the Red Army, then he worked as a teacher of the theory of flight at Irkutsk Air Force Institute. From 1946 till 1953 he worked as a lecturer at the AirForce Engineering Academy named after N.E. Zhoukovsky at the chairs of higher mathematics, of strength of aircraft structural elements and of theoretical mechanics. From 1953 till 1958 he was the head of the chair of theoretical mechanics at Riga Military Engineering Institute. From 1958 till 1965 he was the head of the laboratory and the deputy head of the research department at the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defence. He retired with the rank of colonel-engineer. He was awarded by the Red Star Order and by 7 medals. At the chair he worked from 1965 till 1981; he was the CPSU leader at the chair for this time period. He had more than 30 science & methodology works in the fields of the aerodynamics, the analytic mechanics and its applications to the theory of flight of space ships, the mathematical simulation of economic processes and the theory of study of operations. He died in 1981.
INOZEMTSEV Boris Kharitonovich
INOZEMTSEV Boris Kharitonovich was born in 1936 in Podolsk (Moscow region) in a workers family. In 1955 he entered the hydro-engineering department at MICE. Later (1961-1963) he worked as a teacher at the chair of theoretical mechanics and was a post-graduate there (1963-1966). In 1969 he defended his candidate’s thesis and worked at MICE till 1970. Then he worked for some time at the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Civil Engineering.
SOUKHANOV Arseny Yakovlevich
SOUKHANOV Arseny Yakovlevich born in Tver region. In 1935 he graduated from the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University. Then he worked at the design office at the “39” Plant. Later, from 1941 till 1959, he worked at the Air Force Research Institute. Afterwards he worked at the chair of military training at Moscow Physics&Technology Institute. He was awarded by 9 medals. In 1951 he defended his thesis for the degree of a candidate of sciences (engineers). In 1965 he got the title of an associate professor. He worked at the chair of theoretical mechanics as an associate professor from 1968 till 1978.
GERSHOUNOV Evgeny Mikhailovich
GERSHOUNOV Evgeny Mikhailovich was born in 1930 in Vinnitsa region. In 1953 he graduated from MICE and started to work as an engineer at the “Promtransproekt” Design Institute. He was a post-graduate at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE from 1957 till 1960 and defended his candidate’s thesis there. Then he worked at the chair till 1970 (since 1963 as an associate professor). In 1970 he emigrated first to Israel, then to the USA.
PRZHESMITSKY Vassily Ivanovich
PRZHESMITSKY Vassily Ivanovich was born in 1913 in Krasnodar region. In 1940 he graduated from the hydro-engineering department at MICE. He worked at the chair since 1964. The range of his scientific interests: the dialectical materialism and its logical method, the principles of modern mechanics including the dynamics of super-high-speed motions with their multi-sided problems requiring the use of logical methods. Retired in 1981.
GERT Tatiyana Yakovlevna
GERT Tatiyana Yakovlevna was born in 1930 in Moscow in the family of civil engineers. She graduated from the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University in 1953. Then she worked at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE from 1953 till 1991 as a teacher, later as a lecturer and as an associate professor.
YAKOVLEV Vyacheslav Fedorovich
YAKOVLEV Vyacheslav Fedorovich was born in 1935 in Moscow. In 1953 he entered the mechanics department at MICE and graduated from this department in 1958. Then he worked as an engineer at the Special Design Office “Gazstroymontazh”; his work was awarded by a small silver medal of the All-Union Expo-Centre of the USSR. In 1960 he entered the post-graduate course at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE. In 1964 he defended his thesis for the degree of a candidate of sciences (physics & mathematics). In 1974 he got the title of an associate professor. After the death of L.A. Boiko he was in charge of the chair of theoretical mechanics for two years. His range of scientific interests touched upon both the questions of general analytic mechanics and the applied problems of mathematical economics. That is why V.F.Yakovlev devoted many years to the department of economics and management in construction, where he worked as a professor and the head of the chair “CAD systems in construction”. In 1997 he defended his thesis for the degree of a doctor of sciences (engineering). In 1991 he got the title of a professor. He had more than 50 works, he got a grant from the Russian Fund of Basic Researches. He also was a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatics. He died in 2003.
BELYAEV Yury Vassilievich
BELYAEV Yury Vassilievich was born in 1922 in Yaroslavl in the family of a clerk. In 1947 he graduated from Moscow Technical Institute named after Baumann. He was qualified as a mechanics engineer for artillery systems. Then he worked at the military research institutes, later at the “VNIIMETMASH” Research Institute.
He worked at the chair from 1953 till 1995 as a teacher, later (1966 - 1991) as an associate professor, then as a professor. He carried out an important research work in the field of the dynamic processes with machines for the purpose of development of new rational design variants and of improvement of old ones. He had 46 works and 4 inventions. In 1990 he was awarded the degree of a doctor of sciences (engineering: dynamics, strength of machines, devices and apparatus). He was a hard–worker and was held in high respect at the chair. He died in 1995.
BOIKO Lyudmila Leonidovna
BOIKO Lyudmila Leonidovna was born in 1935 in Moscow. In 1958 she graduated from the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University. Then she worked as a junior researcher at the Mechanics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. She started to work at the chair in 1965 as a teacher, then she worked as a lecturer (1971 - 1975) and as an associate professor (1975 - 1998). In 1972 she defended her thesis for the degree of a candidate of sciences (physics & mathematics). She had many works. She was a strict just teacher; she liked her profession very much and devoted much time to the students. She died in 1998.

L.A Boiko, Yu.P. Alekseyev, L.M. Lakhtin, YU.V. Belyaev, L.L. Boiko, V.F.Yakovlev, T.Ya. Gert were the core of the chair for many years. They liked their profession very much, they educated many generations of specialists, they also contributed much to the process of formation of the outlook and the spiritual values of young generation.
Many kind words should be said about S.G. Terzibashiyants and L.V.Yankovskaya, who devoted to MICE the best years of their lives. S.G.Terzibashiyants came to the chair in 1923 and worked as a teacher and an administrator: he was the head of the study department and the dean of the department of heat and nuclear power stations. L.V. Yankovskaya worked at the chair for more than 55 years. Many generations of civil engineers have the best memories concerning these outstanding teachers.

TERZIBASHIYANTS Stepan Grigorievich
TERZIBASHIYANTS Stepan Grigorievich was born in 1903 in Baku. In 1922 he came to Moscow, in 1929 he entered Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers. In 1928 he went to the red Army, then he came to the Institute of Civil Engineers. He graduated from the institute and worked as a site engineer at the Road Construction Department in Moscow. At the same time he continued his education at the Institute of Engineers and Teachers with the speciality “structural mechanics”. After his graduation from the institute he worked at MICE as a teacher and later as an associate professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics. He was the deputy director (study & research works) at the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Civil Engineers and the head of the chair of theoretical mechanics there. He defended his candidate’s thesis in 1944. he was the dean of the department of heat and nuclear power stations. He was awarded by the Order of the Red Banner of Labour and by several medals. He retired in 1987.
YANKOVSKAYA Lyudmila Vladimirovna
YANKOVSKAYA Lyudmila Vladimirovna was born in 1919 in Moscow. In 1937 she entered the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University; she graduated from this department in 1941. Then she worked as an estimate engineer at the “627” Plant. In 1943 she came to the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE and worked there till 1999.In 1949 she defended her candidate’s thesis. Mostly she worked at the department of industrial and civil construction. Retired in 1999.

In the 1960s the expansion of Moscow Institute of Civil Engineers started and the number of students increased. The chair of theoretical mechanics expanded, too. First and foremost, the chair took the graduates from the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University. V.I. Antonov, I.I.Kovrygin, V.N.Kouznetsov, O.N. Savinov V.V. Koupavtsev, V.P.Serik, M.Sh.Israilov, V.V. Klyushnikov, I.M.Zakalyukina came to the chair. Those years the graduates from the leading engineering institutes came to the chair, too. They are: S.Yu. Barkhaev, N.M. Nikandrov, A.I. Goussarov, D.F.Gerstle, V.I. Gagin, V,I, Samoilov, M.A. Stepanov. Many retired officers also came to the chair: I.P. Bylinkin, V.N.Souchkov, L.A. Larionov, A.P.Gryaznov, A.M.Morkovkin and I.A.Skorik. They had great experience (mostly, the front experience, too) and they brought to the chair the atmosphere of discipline and responsibility peculiar to military engineers.

SAVINOV Oleg Nikolayvich
SAVINOV Oleg Nikolayvich was born in 1925 in Moscow. In 1942 he started to work as a fitter at the Krasnokholmsky Plant. In 1943 he went to the Red Army and took part in the Great Patriotic war till 1944.Then he completed his studies in the secondary school and entered the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University in 1946. He graduated from this department in 1951, then he worked as an engineer in the Aircraft Industry till 1954. In 1954 he came as a teacher to the chair of theoretical mechanics at the Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. Since 1957 he worked as a teacher and later as an associate professor at the chairs of theoretical mechanics, strength of materials and foundations at the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Civil Engineers. In 1961 he defended his thesis for the degree of a candidate of sciences (engineering). In 1963 he got the title of an associate professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics and strength of materials. He worked at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE from 1971 till 2000.
KOVRYGIN Ivan Ivanovich
KOVRYGIN Ivan Ivanovich was born in 1941 in Stalingrad region. In 1959 he graduated from Stalingrad Hydro-Engineering College and started to work as a site engineer. In 1960 he entered the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow University. After graduation from the university he worked as a teacher in Algeria; he knows French very well. He worked at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE from 1971 till 1991, then he went to the chair of applied mechanics and mathematics and works there as an associate professor till now.
KUZNETSOV Vladimir Nikolaevich
KUZNETSOV Vladimir Nikolaevich born in Moscow in 1934. In 1957 he graduated from Moscow State University, mechanics & mathematics department. He worked at the Institute of Mechanics at Moscow State University. He was an employee at the chair of theoretical mechanics at Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering from 1971 till 1978. Despite of rather a short term of his work, Vladimir Nikolaevich has left the good memory about him. After he had come, the scientific activities at the chair quickened appreciably. New scientific directions both in the field of fundamental questions of mechanics, and in that applied, connected with the basic directions of scientific specificity of the MICE, appeared. Strong scientific relations with the chair of the mechanical equipment were established and joined works were performed. There worked a scientific seminar. Vladimir Nikolaevich rendered many employees at MICE the sufficient help in their work on their theses. Being encyclopedically competent, gifted, indefinitely charming person, В.Н. Kuznetsov deserved love and respect of employees and students as well.
Being the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences at the moment, V.N. Kuznetsov runs a laboratory at the Institute of Mechanics at Moscow State University. He is a professor at the department of sciences of materials, newly created at Moscow State University, a honoured researcher at Moscow State University, a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia. The last item is due to the fact, that besides more than 150 scientific works, V.N. Kuznetsov is the author of three verses anthologies.
SERIK Valentine Pavlovich
SERIK Valentine Pavlovich was born in Sverdlovsk in 1944. He left school in Moscow where his father had been transferred after the war. In 1961 he entered the mechanics & mathematics department at Moscow State University, graduated from it in 1966. He worked at the Research Institute of Chemical Materials till 1968. From 1968 till 1971 he attended the internal postgraduate courses at the Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University (chair of wave and gas dynamics). Later he worked as a junior researcher at the Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics. By the moment he came to our chair V.P. Serik had published seven proceedings. Since 1974 he worked on conditions of the hourly payment, on July, 1, 1974, he became a teacher at the chair. Since September, 1, 1975, he held the post of a lecturer. Dismissed in August, 1994, at his own will.
NIKANDROV Nikolay Ilyich
NIKANDROV Nikolay Ilyich was born in Khabarovsk in 1937. In 1959 he graduated from Moscow Automobile-Road Institute. He worked as an engineer at the “Glavstroymehanizatsiya“ Design Office. In 1967 he entered the internal postgraduate courses at MICE. Since 1969 N.I. Nikandrov was an employee of the “Powerful dredges” laboratory at MICE. Since 1973 he combined the job of a teacher at the chair of theoretical mechanics with other works. In 1974 he defended his thesis. In 1974 he became a regular teacher at the chair (since 1974 – as a teacher, since 1979 – as a lecturer, since 1981 – as an associate professor). Being a quiet, hardworking, capable lecturer he held in high students’ respect. Tragically lost in November, 1995.
GUSSAROV Alexander Ivanovich
GUSSAROV Alexander Ivanovich was born in Moscow in 1947. He graduated from Moscow Aircraft Technology Institute in 1970. He worked at the Military Academy, named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, and, at the same time, attended evening courses at the physics department at Moscow State University. After his graduation from it in 1975, A.I. Gussarov came to work at the chair as a teacher, in 1977 he was elected on the post of a lecturer, in 1984 he was appointed an associate professor. A gifted and competent person, Alexander Ivanovich died too early: in November of 2000.
KLYUSHNIKOV Vladimir Vladimirovich
KLYUSHNIKOV Vladimir Vladimirovich was born in Moscow in 1956. In 1978 he graduated from Moscow State University, the mechanics & mathematics department. According to the assignment of specialists he was sent to the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE. In 1987 he defended his thesis and gained the degree of a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. V.V.Klyushnikov was dismissed in September, 1992, and later he has succeeded in business.
SAMOILOV Vyacheslav Ivanovich
SAMOILOV Vyacheslav Ivanovich was born in Kharkov in 1956. In 1973 he entered MICE, the mechanics department, graduated from it in 1978. Then Vyacheslav Ivanovich worked as a researcher. In 1980 he entered the postgraduate course at MICE and in the same year he was sent on business to Germany for a postgraduate course at the Supreme Technical School in Magdeburg. In 1983 V.I. Samoilov defended his thesis. According to the plan he was appointed a teacher at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE. Since 1987 V.I. Samoilov had worked as a lecturer. For a number of years he acted as the chairman of the trade-union association of MICE students, later he was the secretary of Young Communist Committee at MICE. Dismissed at his own will in 1992.
GLAGOLEV Alexander Nikolaevich
GLAGOLEV Alexander Nikolaevich was born in Moscow in 1922 in the family of a military man. Having left school in 1940, he entered the Red Army. In 1941 he graduated from the Lvov Aviation School of Pilots, and in 1943 he graduated from the Konotop School of Commanders of Units. In 1944 A. N. Glagolev graduated from the Supreme Officer School of Air Fight in Lubertsy. A. N. Glagolev participated in the Great Patriotic War as a commander of a sub-unit of fighters.
In 1947 Alexander Nikolaevich entered the Aircraft Engineering Academy, named after N.E. Zhukovskiy. graduated from it in 1953 and remained there as a post-graduate student. On defending his candidate’s thesis in 1957 he worked as a lecturer at the chair of construction and design of flying apparatus. In 1967 he was authorized in the academic status of an associated professor. In 1970 he was appointed on the post of the chief of military chair of Moscow Aircraft Technology Institute. In October 1973 he is transferred to the reserve in the rank of a colonel-engineer. Since December 1973 he worked at the Research Institute of Aircraft Materials. Awarded with the Red Star Order and twelve medals.
A.N. Glagolev had worked at our chair since August, 1976. He is the author of five textbooks on the design of the flying apparatus, more than twenty manuals, six reports on his research work and five scientific articles. Dismissed at his own will in 1992.
BYLINKIN Ivan Petrovich
BYLINKIN Ivan Petrovich was born in Tver in 1918. After leaving the school he entered the Aeronautic School at Airship Building Plant in the town of Pushkino. He finished the Kharkov Technical School of Civil Air Fleet. In 1940 I.P. Bylinkin was sent to the Air Forces. Since June 1941 till July 1943 he served as the aircraft technician in the fighting units of Red Army including the West, Kalinin and South-West fronts. In 1944 I.P. Bylinkin was sent for a training course at the Aircraft Engineering Academy named after N.E. Zhukovskiy. After his successful graduation from the academy he remained for a postgraduate course. In 1954 Ivan Petrovich defended his candidate’s thesis on a special subject. He worked as a lecturer and as a reseacher at Kharkov Supreme Aviation Military School, at the Aircraft Engineering Academy named after N.E. Zhukovskiy, Air Force Academy named after Yu.A. Gagarin, the Academy of Chemical Protection, named after S.K.Timoshenko. He was awarded with the Red Star Order and ten medals. I.P.Bylinkin came to the chair of theoretical mechanics of MICE in April, 1972. In November, 1972 he was elected as an associate professor. Dismissed in 1985 at his own will.
SKORIK Ivan Akimovich
SKORIK Ivan Akimovich was born in 1919 in Cherkassk region in the family of a peasant. In 1938, having graduated from a working faculty, he entered Zaporozhye Machine-Building Institute. In 1941 he was called up to the Red Army and was sent for training at the Military Academy, named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. He was in the Army since August, 1941, till July, 1974, and having started to serve as a student of the Academy became a colonel-engineer, the chief of the chair at the Military Academy, named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. He worked at several Military Institutes. In 1960 he defended his candidate’s thesis. In 1962 he got the rank of an associate professor. He was awarded with the Red Star Orders, The Honour Sign and eleven medals. He worked at our chair since January, 1975. Dismissed at his own will in September, 1999.
MEDVEDEV Vassily Semenovich
MEDVEDEV Vassily Semenovich was born in Kirov region in 1922. Having left school in 1939, he entered the Ural Industrial Institute and completed two courses of education there. In 1941 V.S. Medvedev was called up to the Red Army and was sent for studying to the Aircraft Engineering Academy, named after N.E. Zhukovskiy, which had been evacuated to Sverdlovsk. Upon graduating in 1944 he remained at the Academy as a senior engineer. V.S. Medvedev worked as a teacher from 1948 till 1959. In 1959 he was sent to the Air Force Academy named after Yu.A. Gagarin and worked there as a teacher till 1973, when Vassily Semenovich Medvedev, colonel-engineer, was transferred to reserve. He was awarded with the Red Star Order and a medal for services in battle. V.S. Medvedev is the author of more than twenty works on the subject “Torsion and bend of thin-wall cylindrical shells outside the range of their elasticity” and on some secret subjects. He is a candidate of technical sciences, and an associate professor. He worked at the chair from September, 1973, till September, 1999, when he was dismissed at his own will.
GRYAZNOV Anatoly Petrovich
GRYAZNOV Anatoly Petrovich was born in a workers family in Moscow, in 1920. In 1939 he entered Moscow Aircraft Institute named after S. Ordzhonikidze. He was called up for military service and sent to a pilot school. Since June, 1941, till November, 1944, A.P. Gryaznov served in the field army, including the Moscow front of antiaircraft defense, the West front, the Bryansk front, the First Byelorussian front. He served as an aircraft mechanician at a unit of fighters, and was awarded with the Red Star Order and fourteen medals. In 1944 he was sent for a training course at the Aircraft Academy named after N.E. Zhukovskiy, graduated from it in 1951. He worked as a military representative on an aircraft factory, as a researcher, later as a chief of a research laboratory. A.P. Gryaznov is a candidate of sciences, and the author of five inventions and of about forty articles. He came to our chair as a teacher in 1977 and in the same year he was elected as an associate professor. Dismissed at his own will in January, 1984.
MORKOVKIN Anatoly Mikhailovich
MORKOVKIN Anatoly Mikhailovich was born in Bryansk region, in 1923. In 1941 he was called up to the Red Army and then he was sent to the First Guards Mortar Artillery School. Since February, 1942, till the end of the Great Patriotic War he served in the field army. He was on the West, Kalinin, Voronezh, North-West, the Second Baltic, the Third Byelorussian fronts. He passed from Moscow up to Prussia, he began to serve as a commander of a platoon of a mortar battery but at last became a deputy chief of staff on intelligence operations at the 21st Guards Mortar Brigade. He was awarded with the Red Star Order twice, with Patriotic War Order and with twelve medals. In 1946 has entered the Military Academy, named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, graduated from it in 1952. He remained at the Academy for teaching work. In 1964 he defended his candidate’s thesis, in 1967 he got the post of an associate professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE. Dismissed in September, 1999, at his own will.
SUCHKOV Vladimir Nikolaevich
SUCHKOV Vladimir Nikolaevich was born in Tambov region in 1926. In August, 1942, he was evacuated to Kazakhstan where he entered Alma-Ata Technical School of Communication. In November, 1943, he was sent to the Red Army. He served in the reserve. In 1944 he was sent to a school of pilots, and then to a college of pilots . From September, 1948, till August, 1953, he was an acting fighter pilot. In 1953 he entered the Aircraft Academy named after N.E. Zhukovskiy. He completed a post-graduate course there and remained at the Academy for the teaching work. In 1956 he defended his candidate’s thesis. He was awarded with eight medals. He started to work at our chair in February, 1973. He held the post of an hourly paid lecturer. Since September, 1973 he was enlisted in the staff of our chair. Since September, 1976, he was an associate professor. Dismissed at his own will in August, 1992.
LARIONOV Leonid Andreevich
LARIONOV Leonid Andreevich was born in Omsk region in 1921. In 1939 he entered the power engineering department at Ural Industrial Institute. Being a third-year student, he was called up to the Red Army and was sent for training at the Aircraft Academy named after N.E. Zhukovskiy, graduated from it in 1945. After his graduating he served in the Far East. He took part in the war against Japan. Since 1947 he worked in the Air Forces Administration. In 1970 he defended his thesis He is the author of about twenty scientific works. He was awarded with the Red Star Order, the Labour Red Banner Order and with twelve medals. He worked at the chair since January 1979. Died on December, 21, 1995.
GERSTLE Dmitry Fedorovich
GERSTLE Dmitry Fedorovich was born in Moscow in 1939. All his life was devoted to MICE. Having graduated from the hydro-engineering department at MICE in 1961, he worked as an engineer, as a senior engineer, as a junior researcher and at last as a senior researcher at the chair of hydro-engineering structures. He was an associate professor, a candidate of technical sciences, the author of more than forty scientific works. Since 1974 he worked at the chair of theoretical mechanics on the conditions of hourly payment. Since 1981 he was an associate professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics. All-round educated, tactful, close to people, Dmitry Fedorovich deserved much love of students. Besides knowledge on theoretical mechanics, his students could receive very interesting information on different questions of our life, culture, art - such an outlook and such a deep versatile knowledge, and also the non-standard, always thoroughly proved opinion on many subjects are peculiar to so few people. Dmitry Fedorovich was interested in philosophy, history, linguistics. He was the author of some hypotheses and concepts in the field of history and linguistics. We ought to note his successful attempt of decoding of the text on the Fest disk, which was dated the XVII century B.C. He was also a poet, a musician, the author and the performer of more than 300 songs. Gerstle has gone insultingly early: in September, 2000, after a heavy disease.
GERSTLE Dmitry Fedorovich

In 1980 Leonid Agafonovich Bojko died. For a while Vyacheslav Fedorovich Yakovlev acted as the head of the chair. In 1982 Dr.Sci.Tech., Prof. Igor Grigorievich Filippov started to run the chair, so the modern history of the chair of theoretical mechanics began. During a short period the stuff of the chair changed appreciably. The older generation began to leave us. N.I.Nikandrov and V.S.Serik were tragically lost in their blossoming forces. “Perestroyka” began, and some lecturers preferred to be engaged in commercial activities.
During these years Oleg Yurievich Komlev, Galina Viktorovna Pavlova, Valentin Mikhajlovich Zavyalov, Igor Vladimirovich Rubtsov, Vladimir Valentinovich Nemchinov, Vassily Ivanovich Kostin, Sergey Aleksandrovich Skropkin, Pavel Anatolievich Gelyukh, Alexey Vladimirovich Pashkov jointed the chair. For a while Sergey Yulianovich Chernyavsky, Sergey Vladimirovich Sheshenin, Novoseltsev, Sergey Igorevich Filippov, Lyudmila Anatolievna Kharitonova worked at the chair.
From the beginning of the 1980s the tendency of reduction of quantity of the class hours intended for studying general subjects, became stronger. During “Perestroyka” this process was of a menacing character. In such conditions lecturers at the chair did much for the modernization of the subjects taught. Many units have been revised, new original proofs of many theorems have been received. That allowed us to teach the subjects in shorter terms without essential damage to their contents. (Problems of understanding of the information by the students are not under discussion in this essay.) It is clear, that during these years the volume of the educational and methodical work carried out at the chair, has increased, new curricula have been developed (including the newly established specialities), the manuals on all subjects taught have been written.

The chair of theoretical mechanics in 1980
The chair of theoretical mechanics in 1980:
From left to right. In the first line: I.M.Zakalyukina, A.N.Glagolev, L.V.Yankovskaya, I.G.Filippov, T.Ya.Gert, S.T.Terzibashyants, G.V.Pavlova, Yu.V.Belyaev.
In the second line: D.F.Gerstle, L.L.Boiko, V.F.Yakovlev, Yu.V.Allen, O.N.Savinov, L.A.Larionov, V.S.Medvedev, I.A.Skorik, S.Yu.Barkhaev.
In the third line: O.Yu.Komlev, N.I.Nikandrov, V.I.Antonov, V.A.Belov, V.M.Zavyalov, I.I.Kovrigin, A.I.Gussarov, V.P.Serik, V.I.Gagin, V.I.Kostin.

The first versions of the system of the test control of the current students’ progress have been developed and have passed the approbation. In this field our new employees Vladimir Ivanovich Gagin and Oleg Jurjevich Komlev did their best.
The 1980th were also remembered thanks to exceptional activities of lecturers of the chair in the field of harvesting of potatoes. During a short period everyone who was younger then fifty, have taken part in the agricultural works once or twice yearly. It should be told, that heading the student's groups, our lecturers were always able to organize the whole business in such a way, that everyone, including the heads of agricultural enterprises, students, and, certainly, teachers themselves were satisfied.
The lecturers of the chair had to master all subtleties of their students’ future job. All of us remember, that in the beginning of the 1990s we became millionaires, but at the same time we just could not provide our decent living. It has been found out, that qualified masons, tillers, house painters, carpenters, joiners, parquetry workers, practically the list of building specialities work at the chair of theoretical mechanics. It is necessary to note, that Oleg Yurievich Komlev, who had skilful hands, and could find orders for a building brigade of the chair, turned out to be very useful in this unusual business.

CHERNYAVSKY Sergey Yulianovich
CHERNYAVSKY Sergey Yulianovich was born in Rostov in 1935. In 1959 he graduated from Moscow Physics &Technology Institute, in 1962 he completed a postgraduate course at Moscow Physics & Technology Institute. He worked in the Central Aero- and Hydro-Dynamics Institute named after N.E.Zhukovsky, and later he worked at the Mechanics Institute of Moscow State University. Since 1982 he was an associate professor at the chair of higher mathematics at MICE, since 1987 he worked as a professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE. In 1968 S.Yu.Chernyavsky defended his candidate’s thesis. In 1986 he became a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. In 1973 he got the rank of a senior researcher on the speciality “hydro-aeromechanics and gas dynamics”, and in 1989 he got the status of a professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics. He is the author of more than 160 scientific works and more than 40 inventions. He is the winner of the premium named after N.E.Zhukovskiy. He was dismissed in 1995 at his own will and emigrated to the USA.
KOMLEV Oleg Yurievich
KOMLEV Oleg Yurievich was born in Chelyabinsk in 1955. In 1978 he graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute with the speciality “dynamics changes and durability of machines”. He worked as an engineer at a design office. In 1980 he came to the laboratory of research of stresses at MICE in order to attend a postgraduate course. In 1984 he defended his thesis and gained the degree of a candidate of technical sciences. Since 1984 he worked at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE. He contributed much to the efforts of the chair to improve the educational process. He put forward a number of original ideas in the field of the technique of teaching. Being a gifted organizer, he was very useful in the process of carrying out of student's olympiads. He also repeatedly participated in the organization of student's works on harvesting. He was dismissed after his election on the post of the head of the chair at Moscow Commercial Institute.
GAGIN Vladimir Ivanovich
GAGIN Vladimir Ivanovich was born in Sochi, in 1955. After leaving school he entered the construction department at Krasnodar Polytechnics Institute. In 1974 he was transferred to MICE. After graduating from the department of industrial and civil construction in 1977 he worked at the “Glavpromstroy” Office and took part in erecting the "Olympiad - 80 " projects. In 1977 he entered MICE for a postgraduate course at the chair of structural mechanics. In 1981 he defended his thesis and got the degree of a candidate of technical sciences. From 1982 till 1986 he was a teacher, and from 1986 till 1988 he worked as an associate professor at the chair of theoretical mechanics at MICE. While working at our chair, Vladimir Ivanovich made a considerable contribution to the improvement of organization of the educational process. It was him, who was among the establishers of the test system of checking the current students’ progress. He devoted a lot of time to organization and to performance of the student's olympiads on theoretical mechanics. Since 1986 he was an associate professor, and since 1999 he worked as a professor at the chair of structural mechanics at MICE-MSUCE. From 1999 till 2005 he was the deputy dean of the department of industrial and civil construction on the general subjects. Since 2005 he is the deputy pro-rector at MSUCE on study process, and he also holds the post of the chief of Education & Methodology Department.
He is the author of more than 40 scientific, methodical and educational works. He supervised 4 post-graduate students who have successfully defended their candidate’s theses. Since 2001 he is a Member of the Russian Association of Civil Engineers. Since 2001 the Full Member, and since 2002 he is the Senior Full Fellow of the International Association of Civil Engineers (Great Britain). Since 2003 he is the Head of the Representation of the International Association of Civil Engineers (Great Britain) in Russian Federation and in the CIS countries.

We are glad to note that now, with a general trend in higher education establishments when the personnel are becoming older and older, our chair is one of the youngest chairs at the university. First and foremost, it may be explained by the fact that many young teachers and researchers come to the chair. The youngest deputy rector at our university, O.O.Egorytchev, recently defended his thesis for a doctor’s degree, and now he is at the head of the chair. The post-graduates
R.N. Stepanov and D.R.Shoukyurov defended their theses and came to the chair. Recently our youngest teacher, O.I.Poddaeva, came to the chair, too.
The chair always had people who took worthy places in the administration of our university. We already mentioned S.G. Terzibashiyants, who was the dean of the department of heat and nuclear power stations. V.F. Yakovlev worked as the deputy director of the Research Institute of Organization and Management in Construction, later he headed the chair of automated control systems. The deputy dean of the mechanics department M.A.Stepanov, the deputy dean of the department of general sciences and at the same time the deputy director of the Institute of Basic Education V.V. Koupavtsev, the head of the laboratory I.V..Roubtsov, the head of the Administration for Study & Methodology at MSUCE V.I. Gagin, the deputy rector of MSUCE O.O.Egorychev either worked at the chair for a long time or work now.
Or the eve of the celebration of the 85 anniversary of the chair there were some changes in the chair leadership. I.G. Filippov, who worked as the head of the chair for 25 years, left this position. Prof. O.O.Egorychev, doctor of sciences (engineering) was elected the head of the chair of theoretical mechanics.
The chair staff looks into the future with certainty and hopes as they realize the role and the place of the chair in the system of education of civil engineers. The theoretical mechanics, being an important instrument for the process of solution of many scientific problems, is a necessary basis for the study of all engineering disciplines. It also seems to be the only discipline at MSUCE, which trains the skills of mathematical problem statement, of system analysis and of development of calculation diagrams, of the choice of the method of solution and of the analysis of the results obtained.

Адрес кафедры: Россия, 129337, г. Москва, Ярославское шоссе, д. 26. Московский Государственный Строительный Университет, кафедра Теоретической механики и аэродинамики. Кафедра расположена: 5-ый этаж КМК, 534,536 ауд. (схема проезда). Телефон/факс кафедры: (499) 183-24-01. E-mail: theormech@mgsu.ru.
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